Nominate a West Texan today!
**Please submit a completed nomination form before September 15, 2023 via email only to info@acmidland.org.
As a member of the Arts Council of Midland (ACM), we invite you to nominate one person, a couple, or a named group as your organization’s 2023 Distinguished Volunteer. The person(s) your organization chooses will be contacted and invited to attend our annual meeting to be recognized as your organization’s Distinguished Arts Volunteer. Of all nominated volunteers, one will be selected as ACM’s Arts Volunteer of the Year! (Please note: Only one nomination and award per organization)
A Distinguished Arts Volunteer should be someone who has a proven record of accomplishment supporting Midland’s art community through exceptional volunteer work, special financial support, or excellent personal talent volunteering to promote local interest in the arts. The nominee need not be a member of the Arts Council of Midland, but the nominating organization must be a member.
At ACM’s Annual Meeting, you will be able to enjoy refreshments, help honor arts volunteers, be the first to learn about the 2023 Arts Council Subgrant recipients, and meet our Board of Trustees for 2022-2023.
The Arts Council of Midland Annual Meeting will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023 at the ACM Headquarters Building.